The Challenge of Electing The Best Candidate


On Saturday, 28 July 2018, members of the Legal profession would vote to elect National Officers of the Nigerian Bar Association. Top of the list of those to be elected would be the President of the NBA.

Voting implies a familiarity with those individuals on the ballot. Familiarity with the candidates include knowing the principles and values that have governed their lives. What do the candidates really believe and how have they lived out their belief? We might want to ask whether they are genuinely committed to moral values or do they simply adopt whatever is the fashionable view? Does the candidate place the expediency of the moment above everything else? Perhaps, above all, we should ask whether potential candidates seek to be elected to serve their self-interest or the interest of others.

We need to strive to see beyond the publicity stunts, the photography, video clips and glib slogans and quotable quotes. We live in an age where words are cheap; it is important to ask what the reality is that lies behind the words and images.

There are broad and significant issues in this election. At the core is, what sort of Association do we want to have? How does the profession deal with the growing disdain for the Rule of Law, inequalities, unemployment, and corruption, especially Lawyers bribing judicial officers? The maladministration and incompetence that characterize Branch and National governance is also of concern to many. The vast gulf between the few rich Lawyers who control the Association and the many poor, especially the young lawyers, who dominate the lower base of a profession that is in danger of becoming irrelevant, must be addressed.

In voting, we choose whether our leaders will reflect good, Godly character or negative worldly character. In the important but difficult task of choosing our leaders, we must look out for wise, discerning and experienced men and women who fear God, speak the truth, hate dishonest gain, and have the capacity to deliver on the responsibilities of the Office. If we do not pay attention to the sobriety in the persons we elect, then we would be guilty of the greatest absurdity and will continue to pay dearly for our folly.

As a person who has served as General Secretary of the NBA (2004-2006), I am familiar with the demands of National Offices of our Association. Reading through the Manifestoes of the candidates, I could detect the empty promises in some of them. The hollowness rings loud in promises that are made without knowledge of where we have been, where we are coming from, and our future. We should watch out for sensible proposals for long-term solutions rather than hyperboles, and expedient short-term fixes.

It is against this background that I endorse Ernest Ojukwu, SAN, for the Office of President of the Nigerian Bar Association. This decision has been taken based on my 39 years knowledge of Ernest Ojukwu. He is an action person. He walks the talk. Since his days in the University, he has stood by the truth and acted accordingly, no matter the situation. The things he now says, or does, are as rooted in his long-held values. He has been a strong pillar to administrations that worked to make a difference. He is not taking a position on issues just for the expediency of an election. Ernest has been steadfast on issues important to the legal profession.

I am convinced that, by his antecedents and experience, Ernest Ojukwu would truly give priority to the Welfare, Services, Quality and Professional Growth of Members. Promoting very high ethical standards, discipline, conduct and professionalism in the legal profession is in his nature. For a man who has promoted full and equal participation in the Association, the promise to institute an accountable, open, transparent and democratic governance of the association, is achievable. I share his agenda for setting the stage for a NEW AND RELEVANT NBA.

Ernest Ojukwu Esq. SAN, is a consummate Bar man, a compassionate Law Teacher, the author of Books, an advocate par excellence, and a practical person who gets the job done. He is a tested Administrator and Manger. He has a mastery of the issues at the core of the challenges facing the profession. He has been at the core of working for Reform of Laws, Rules of Professional Conduct, creation of employment opportunities and better work conditions for Lawyers, enforcement and respect for human rights, to mention but a few.
Ernest Ojukwu Esq. SAN, has no political baggage and is not tied to any political godfather outside of the legal profession; the best assurance that the NBA would not be tied to the apron strings of outside influences.

I am pleased to recommend Ernest Ojukwu, Esq. SAN, for consideration for your Vote as President of the Nigerian Bar Association (2018-2020).

Thank you for your time and attention.

Hon. Nimi Walson-Jack.
Former General Secretary
Nigerian Bar Association


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